Going into Level 4 I was initially a bit skeptical about PPP and the role it would play within the year, however I have found it to be the backbone of my practice and an integral part of my learning. This module, although feeling like somewhat of a burden, encouraged me to broaden my horizons in terms of artist and process research. It has also allowed me to draw a good understanding of the path I have travelled so far and where I plan to go through Level 5 and into my professional career.
Despite the praise I give myself in these areas, I am not entirely happy with all of my work from within this module. I feel that the practical brief (Studio Brief 2) was my weakest aspect which is ironic as it was supposed to be the culmination of a years development. Whilst I feel the piece isn’t terrible, as it shows a marked improvement from my early work from within the year, I feel there is a lot that could be done to improve it. I never quite grasped the purpose of the brief, which hampered me. I failed to pick, in my eyes, a worthy topic. To improve the work I made a conscious effort to enforce skills and processes I have learnt this year, but without a strong narrative or point to be made I ultimately feel that this brief is one of my weakest of the year. I would like to go back into this pice and rework it, in the hopes of giving it a stronger purpose.
On a more positive note, I feel that my presentation (Studio Brief 3) went very well. My previous presentation in my Context of Practice module was not delivered as I intended - I rushed through my presentation for fear of overrunning the time constraints and failed to make suitable connections with my audience. With this presentation I ordered my slides more effectively and streamlined my notes. This allowed me to make much more eye contact with my peers and deliver a more engaging presentation.
As I head into Level 5 I want to continue the professional attitude I have displayed in recent months by spending more time within the studio, and discussing my work as articulately with my peers as I have been of late. I want to find more purpose within my work other than the imagery looking nice. I feel that I have touched upon this lately by considering what format my work will be displayed in ie zine etc. However my final practical brief, despite finding a format, failed largely due to a weak research base. I can’t let this be the case in future briefs. It is only through continual investigation and research into practitioners and processes that I will be able to create work that will make an impact both visually and with purpose.