Sunday, 26 January 2014

Visual Narrative - End of Module Self Evaluation

Since beginning this module I feel that I have developed several new skills but quite possibly the most important is the significance and difference between primary and secondary research. By building a body of research behind my work it gave it a purpose and allowed me to make an informed point which would not have been possible without. From an illustrative standpoint I have become much more proficient with Photoshop - specifically concerning the use of halftones, layering and opacity. These are definitely tools I plan to continually use now I have the knowledge to do so. 

By opening my mind to different methods of image making such as Photoshop I have managed to create a book very different from what I thought possible. In my development book I explored and documented a larger array of media than I have used before, this helped guide my work greatly. By spending more time exploring different tools and mediums I had a much wider choice of styles when it came to developing my ideas further. I also spent a bit of time looking into shape, specifically that of pigeons. Through the understanding of shape I realized how greatly my illustrations profit from it.

This time spent playing around has benefited me considerably and I feel it is a definite strength that I need to rely on more. I’m not ashamed to say that I prefer the work I produced in my development book than that which is in my final outcome. The work looks much more vivid and exciting than that which was produced on the Mac. I definitely spent far too much time on Photoshop with this module, and instead of complimenting my work, it becomes it. There is much more personality when I’m working in analogue and that’s why I will definitely be relying less on Photoshop in the future. Instead I will continue to work with tools that I have never used before or have little experience with. It’s only through this further exploration that I will become a better illustrator. For example, I will definitely be using matchsticks and ink again as these were tools that I felt worked exceptionally well and I regret not using them in my final outcome. If I am to use Photoshop again in the future it will most likely be to touch up images that I feel only need a bit of extra work to them.

There are several other points I must address moving forward, firstly; my technical skill is a weak area for me - I must work hard to improve it to a standard that I feel is acceptable. I must also spend more time thinking of what works and what doesn’t, whilst halftone was fun to learn, I feel I went way overboard with it. Finally, and this is the most important, I must remember to back my work up regularly! This module almost fell apart due to my laptop failure and I cant risk this happening again!

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