Saturday, 12 April 2014

Visual Language - End of Module Self Evaluation

Personally I’ve found Visual Language to be the most difficult module I’ve faced this year. This is because I’ve been pushed to discover different methods of Illustration and question the way in which I work. It is due to this questioning of my work that at times, I found this to be the least enjoyable module of the year. However I have also had some of my most defining moments within the briefs.

I now have a greater understanding of shape, collage and composition. I previously felt collage to be cheating somewhat, and shape work too simplistic and easy. I don’t feel that way now; both have altered my working process and have allowed me to grow as an illustrator. It is important that I continue to investigate these processes further and use them to take my work to the next level. 

My attitude towards Visual Language was, admittedly, at times relaxed. It was only with the introduction of Collage, Photoshop and Illustrator that I felt my attitude towards image making really hit a turning point. I tried to refine my analogue work but I feel that digital process is where my skill truly lies.

I found studio brief 2 to be the most interesting part of Visual Language. I’ve always been subconsciously aware of the many aspects concerning composition, however, its only through studio brief 2 that I’ve come to appreciate them. I can now critically analyse my work (and others) on a much more professional scale.

Going forward I need to maintain a committed attitude towards my work. I feel that the areas that appealed to me least were also the areas where I failed to commit myself to. I need to take a more professional attitude towards my practice as I wont always be working on projects that interest me. Now I know what processes I work best with, the only thing getting in my way is myself.

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