Monday, 9 February 2015

Creative Strategy: Digital Colours to Print 1 - Notes

Industry Spec how to prepare appropriately.

RGB for screen.

CMYK for printing. When saving Photoshop for InDesign, save in CMYK.

RGB different range of colours to CMYK. RGB files generally smaller than CMYK.

Gamut Warning – gives an idea of colours that are outside of printing range by turning those colours grey.

One-way to change printable colours in Gamut Warning is to lower the Saturation. Another is by using colour range or magic wand tool. After using these tools the hue and sat can be limited to only selected ranges. Or in Colour Range out of Gamut Warning can be selected in the samples bar.

Creating of adjustment layers in the layer window (circle half black, half clear).

Image adjustments – replace colour – another method.

Proof colour – shows what the image will look like in CMYK BUT it is still in RGB.

COLOUR PICKER window - small triangle warning suggests colours that aren't printable. Click on triangle to be sent to nearest printable colour (or web-safe colour).

Printing -
1. 300ppi (or dpi)
3. Actual Size
4. .jpeg (.tif or .psd)

Commercial Print -
Offset Lithography - printing that uses CMYK. CMYK sometimes referred to as Process Colour

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