Sunday, 17 April 2016

PPP3: Dan Berry Email

I haven't really had much luck in regards to replies from people in the creative industry. Maybe I'm targeting the wrong sort of people. However, last year I managed to get a reply from Dan Berry in regards the pens that he uses, I bought one myself and felt it wasn't for me. Regardless, he replied and it made me happy so I thought I'd try again, and this time build a connection.

Hi Dan,

My name is Tom Roberts and I’m a third year illustration student at Leeds College of Art, I emailed you last year and you were kind enough to reply at the time. I'll be completing my degree soon and have a few months before moving to Birmingham, in that time I plan to work on quite a large narrative story.

From what I understand you’ve recently completed a rather large piece of work yourself, and I was wondering if you had any advice on managing such a big job.

Additionally, do you have any advice for someone who is interesting in the world of self publishing but doesn't know how to get their foot in the door?

Thanks for taking the time to read this,


Dan is currently in china, so I don't expect a reply from him soon, however I am hopeful that he will.

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